Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Yesterday we went to a swimming hole that I went to as a child. It's near Saugerties in Palenville, NY. I found it with the help of the website

It was absolutely beautiful! But getting down was NOT easy and I was VERY nervous.

The water is extremely cold at about 67, but refreshing.

Madi didn't give me a chance to get her picture jumping, so at the bottom is her splash! LOL

Again, a little slow with the camera, this is Amanda jumping.

The girls really had a GREAT day playing in the water.

Love this picture.

Super girl!

It was a great day. We definitely want to find more swimming holes...ones that are a little easier to get to.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Camping - Part 2

On Monday we broke down camp at Adirondack Adventures. But instead of going home we surprised the girls and headed to Moreau State Park. As we entered the park we told the girls that we are not going home and will be staying here until Friday! The looks on their faces was priceless!!

Teka stayed with us a few hours. She really was ready to be done with camping.
So we took her to Nana and Pepa's house.

We went to Mr. Bill's carhop for ice cream. It was VERY good!

The girl's wanted a picture of "Mr. Bill."

Dave and Amanda relaxing by the fire.
But it was hot out so you couldn't sit too close to it.

Amanda taking the neighbors dog Keegee for a walk.

Amanda and I toasting biscuits for eclairs! YUMMY!!

This is a friend they made at camp, Lauren. They were inseparable, she even
slept over one night.

Madi doing a craft near the beach.

Amanda tried cooking biscuits over the fire with a spatula!! didn't work and they fell off.

Here the girls are making sand art journals.

The last night we decided to go fishing...Madi even wanted to go!

And of course, she throws in her line and catches a bass!!!

I just enjoy watching! lol

I never knew toads could be this small. Madi said they are
penny toads. There were tons of them!

This is the first time Madison put a worm on the hook! She didn't
like it, but she did it.

Amanda catching some snails! ick

Dave caught a pickerel.

Madison loved the penny toads.

We had a great week of camping and wished we could do it more.